Vital Link Between Water and Kidney Function
The link between water and kidney health should be somewhat obvious. To achieve optimum health, it is essential to have the correct volume of water in the body... Having too much can be just as bad as having too little. Even before birth, fluids play an integral part in our sustenance and development. We consume it from our mothers and spend many months floating in amniotic fluid. At birth, as much as 75% of a baby's weight is made up of water. As we grow older, however, this tends to decrease to around an average of 55% to 60% of body weight. Maintaining this balance is very important and underscores the vital relationship between water and kidney function. Regulating the volume of water in the body is an essential role of the kidneys. A human can die from dehydration, within a matter of a few days, if they are completely deprived of fluids. It is equally dangerous to drink an extremely excessive amount of water in a short period of time. This causes the level of sodium in t...