How to reduce your salt intake

Recently, doctors and nutritionists have increasingly raised the topic of reducing salt intake. What is the harm to the body of overly fond of salty food, and why is it so important to maintain a balanced daily salt intake?
Whether we monitor our diets, or rely entirely on the "call of the body," modern humans consume too much salt. Table salt or table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), which can be found in many foods. You should know that excessive salt intake can cause stomach and kidney problems and increase the risk of heart disease.

Let's try to give a few examples of the positive effects on the body if you reduce your salt intake.

Reduces morning puffiness

The unpleasant edema occurs due to the property of salt to retain water in the body. Increased salt intake can lead to excess fluid buildup in the tissues of the hands, feet, and face.

An obvious way to keep your face looking youthful and beautiful in the morning, rather than puffy and puffy, is to avoid salty foods at dinner. A more radical solution is to reduce salt intake.

Remember, the standard daily salt intake is only 15 grams. This amount includes salt, which is found in all foods, spices, beverages, and seasonings.

The cardiovascular system will gradually return to normal

A low-salt diet is essential for people who are prone to heart disease. The reason is that sodium has the same properties that retain excess water in the body. Too much fluid can cause an increased load on the heart and increased stress, which already affects the entire cardiovascular system. In turn, high blood pressure can lead to a heart attack.

Control pressure. Consuming too much salt over the years can lead to high blood pressure.

lose weight

Almost all modern products, especially processed ones, contain too much salt. Manufacturers use flavors, fragrances, and other salt-containing ingredients to add appeal and extend shelf life to products. If you like fast food, make sure your salt intake is several times above accepted standards.

Products high in salt include bacon products, sausages, salted fish, hard cheeses, canned vegetables, and almost all sauces and condiments.

Improve the condition of the kidneys and stomach

An increase in salt intake can lead to a rather unpleasant consequence - an increase in the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In turn, excess acid can lead to gastritis and chronic irritation of the mucous membranes. The kidneys are also overworked and the salt intake is too much.

By reducing the salt content, you can declutter your guts. Try setting strict salt controls. To do this, it's best to switch to homemade food, when you can adjust the amount of salt yourself. Instead of seasonings and spices, you can use natural herbs.

Food balance is restored and you are used to eating healthy and wholesome food

By watching your salt intake within the recommended daily intake, you can restore your health, organize your guts, and improve your appearance.

However, it should be remembered that, in minimal doses, salt is necessary for the body. By strictly controlling your salt intake, you will be sure that you have exceeded the prescribed standards many times before. Finally, remember that salt addiction is no better than alcohol addiction, and it can also ruin our lives.

For those who have been accustomed to eating a lot of salt since childhood, it may be recommended to add high potassium foods to the diet. You should also drink plenty of water, which helps remove salt from your body.


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