Vitamins for the liver are low molecular weight substances that support the full functioning of the hepatobiliary system. These compounds accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, normalize the secretory-evacuation function of the gallbladder, transform free radicals into safe products, improve metabolism, enhance the hepatoprotective effect of herbal ingredients. To maintain the ability of the liver to heal itself, it is important to take a complex of vitamins regularly.


The liver is the most important gland of the digestive system, on the state of which the work of all internal organs depends. It performs about 500 vital functions, and more than a trillion biochemical reactions (per second) take place in its parenchyma. The main "tasks" of the liver are blood purification from exogenous and endogenous toxins, activation of bile acids, regulation of metabolism, production of protective immunoglobulins, glycogen storage, and nutrient metabolism. However, under the influence of damaging factors (bad eating habits, drug intoxication, parasitic invasions, congestive inflammatory processes), metabolic and recovery reactions are disturbed in the gland, as a result of which harmful poisons settle in the tissues of the organ. This phenomenon serves as a trigger for the development of various functional disorders (hormonal disruptions, autoimmune diseases , endocrine disorders, digestive pathologies). Signs of slagging of the liver: frequent depression ; pain in the right hypochondrium; dark urine; rashes on the skin (including age spots, acne, red "dots"); allergic reactions; headaches, migraines ; earthy or yellowish skin tone; nausea, belching , bad breath, bad smell of sweat; bitterness in the mouth ; dark circles under the eyes.

For this, water (2.5 liters per day), pectin sorbents, hepatoprotective and vitamin complexes are introduced into the diet . In addition, to diagnose the pathological process, they turn to a gastroenterologist .

Remember, even with severe destruction, the liver does not hurt (due to the lack of nerve receptors). Therefore, do not bring the body to self-destruction, it will not “ask” for help. Conduct preventive courses regularly twice a year. To improve the exchange and recovery processes in hepatocytes, it is important to saturate the body with essential substances.

1、Vitamin A (retinol) . Participates in the processes of glucose deposition (in the liver), regulates the production of cholesterol , accelerates the regeneration of cellular structures (including hepatocytes), stimulates the secretion of bile. The daily norm is 0.7 milligrams. The fat-soluble nutrient is found in orange fruits and vegetables, root vegetables, leafy greens, and dried fruits . Attention, it is permissible to take retinol preparations only after consulting a therapist (since they, in 50% of cases, have a toxic load on the body).

2、Vitamin E (tocopherol) . It maintains the integrity of liver cell membranes (due to the transformation of free radicals into safe compounds), stimulates the synthesis of dolichols (cells that accelerate the regeneration of hepatocytes), controls the production of sex hormones, and regulates lipid metabolism. The physiological need for a substance is 25 milligrams.Tocopherol is found in wheat germ, dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese ), eggs , unrefined vegetable oils (pumpkin, flax, soy, camelina).

3、Vitamin K (phylloquinone) . Improves blood clotting, accelerates the regeneration of liver tissue, stimulates bile secretion. Food sources - spinach, cabbage, eggs, lettuce , milk , blackberries, mountain ash , corn , mint, rose hips .The need for a substance varies between 0.1 - 0.3 milligrams. If hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver is present, the daily dose of the substance is increased to 0.4 - 0.5 milligrams.

4、Vitamin C (L-ascorbate) . Reduces the risk of developing fatty liver (by reducing low-density lipoproteins), prevents the destruction of hepatocytes (by neutralizing free radicals), increases the bioavailability of vitamins A and E. For the full functioning of the body, consume 1500 milligrams of L-ascorbic acid per day (divided into 7 tricks). The antioxidant is found in sauerkraut, rose hips, parsley, cranberries, lingonberries , citrus fruits (without heat treatment).

5、Vitamin B1 (thiamine) . Accelerates the removal of excess lipids from the liver, participates in the synthesis of proteins , fats and carbohydrates , stimulates the restoration of cellular structures. The physiological need for the element is 1.1 milligrams per day. With a prolonged lack of a substance in the body, in 70% of cases, liver failure develops. Thiamine is concentrated in wheat germ, bran, seeds (sesame, sunflower), leafy greens (parsley, dill, cilantro), hazelnuts, cereals (green buckwheat, brown rice ).

6、Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) . Stimulates the secretion of bile, accelerates the recovery processes in the liver cells, participates in the formation of glycogen, protects the gland from oxidative stress. The daily norm is 1.3 milligrams. Natural sources - almonds, eggs, buckwheat , cottage cheese, milk, meat.

7、Vitamin B4 (choline) . Reduces the concentration of harmful triglycerides (low density) in the gland, restores cell membranes (after inflammatory diseases), lowers blood cholesterol, increases bile secretion, improves lipid metabolism. For the full functioning of the gland, it is important to consume at least 500 milligrams of the nutrient per day.

For the prevention of disorders of the hepatobiliary system, it is important to regularly consume vitamin complexes (2 times a year).

"UP-BRO"(Austria). Combined phytocomplex to improve metabolic processes in the gland and prevent congestion in the hepatobiliary system. The composition of the drug includes plant extracts (Goji berries, raspberries, blackberries, oysters), vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B12), citrus flavonoids ( lemon , grapefruit).

UP-BRO are essential nutrients for maintaining a healthy hepatobiliary system. These substances accelerate the restoration of hepatocyte cell membranes, improve metabolic processes in the gland, increase the rate of enzymatic reactions, enhance bile secretion, and protect cells from oxidative stress. The main vitamins for the liver are B1, B2, B4, B6, B8, A, C, E, K, N. The following symptoms “indicate” functional disorders of the digestive gland: belching after eating, bitterness in the mouth, allergic reactions, skin rashes, dark circles under the eyes, and depression. A pleasant "bonus" of the consumption of such supplements will be smooth, uniform skin, fresh breath and good mood!


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