Diseases lead to a deterioration in the functionality of the kidneys and urinary tract, which is symptomatically manifested by a decrease in appetite, thirst, swelling of the legs, and hypertension. In the body, metabolic products accumulate, metabolism is disturbed. It is possible to normalize it with the help of a diet, so it is an important part of the main therapy.

A strict diet or table number 7 is prescribed for patients with chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome or glomerulonephritis. For other pathologies, excessive nutritional restriction is not required. It is enough just to reduce the use of salt, spices, hot spices and be sure to exclude alcohol.

The main principles of proper nutrition in diseases of this area are to limit the consumption of protein, salt, and reduce the calorie content of dishes. It is also necessary to arrange fasting days.

Protein metabolism in the body ends with the formation of nitrogenous waste products. The kidneys affected by the disease cannot cope with its excretion, so the substances accumulate in excess in the blood. At the same time, protein is a necessary building material for cells, and it cannot be completely excluded from the diet. Therefore, protein intake should be limited, not stopped. For this, patients are advised to choose meat and fish varieties with the lowest fat content. It is advisable to cook them without oil, avoiding frying in a pan. Chicken eggs are allowed.

Patients with chronic renal failure are allowed to consume 20-50 grams of protein daily. This indicator depends on the severity of the disease and the patient's body weight.

In some cases, proteins are excluded completely. But the duration of a protein-free diet should not exceed 1-2 weeks. Due to a sharp rejection of protein foods, well-being can deteriorate significantly.

With small deviations in the work of the kidneys, this type of food is not prescribed. Fasting days with an interval of once or twice a week will help to maintain balance.

Salt intake is reduced if edema and hypertension are also observed in connection with the underlying kidney disease. The principle is that when cooking, the products are not salted. Only after the food is ready, it is slightly salted. The daily norm is 2-3 grams per day (half a teaspoon).

When compiling the menu, you need to remember that salt is present in semi-finished and finished products of factory production, and in significant doses. Even bread belongs to this category. If you can't find a place that sells salt-free baked goods, then you should learn how to bake it yourself. Of course, a high salt content is typical for semi-finished meats, smoked meats, homemade salting, canned food, hard cheese, salted fish. It is also forbidden to drink water with a high degree of mineralization.

The salt-free diet has its positive aspects - you can feel the taste much better, especially with raw vegetables.

Therapeutic nutrition also involves the exclusion of food, which contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium. These are cottage cheese, dried fruits and bananas, nuts, as well as offal: offal, liver, heart, etc.

Essential oils have a negative effect on the kidneys, so it is necessary to exclude broths, beans, hot peppers, spices, mushrooms. From vegetables - radishes, onions. However, you can put bay leaves, lightly fried onions, spices - cinnamon in dishes.

Days of unloading in the presence of renal pathologies should be arranged regularly and systematically. The principle is simple - during the day you need to eat one type of food. Recommended days when you should limit yourself to berries and fruits, or watermelons, vegetables, juices, oatmeal.

It is allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg per day, while the food is divided into 5 approaches to the table. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked without frying. Salad of fresh vegetables can be seasoned with butter or sour cream with a low percentage of fat. Unloading cucumber day is very effective.

The diet depends on the chemical composition of the stones. If oxalates are detected during the diagnosis, then sorrel, lettuce, spinach and other leafy greens are strictly prohibited. Do not drink coffee, chocolate, cocoa. Be sure to exclude foods rich in ascorbic acid: blackcurrant, radish, citrus. It is recommended to increase the intake of vitamin B6, which is found in black bread, buckwheat, oatmeal. For patients, cauliflower, pumpkin, beans, prunes, eggplants will be very useful.

In the event that urates are found during the diagnosis, you need to use products that alkalize the urine. Useful cereals, honey, dried fruits, potatoes. Under the ban - meat and fish, offal, semi-finished products and ready-made canned food.

Nutrition is built on the opposite principle when phosphate stones are detected. To acidify urine, you need to eat meat and fish, while completely eliminating milk and sour-milk products, juices, compotes and vegetable soups.

The duration of the diet should not be longer than 1 month. This is due to the fact that eating the same pattern can provoke the formation of stones of a different type.

A nephrologist will help you choose the right diet and monitor its effectiveness.


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