How does your diet affect the condition of your hair?

People associate shiny hair and glowing skin with genes or special body care, but underestimate the importance of nutrition. A healthy diet contains nutrients that directly affect how you look and feel.


Hair, skin and nails are made up of proteins such as elastin, collagen and keratin. They provide strength, elasticity to hair, nails and skin, as well as prevent wrinkles [1].

If your diet includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and legumes, you are getting plenty of high-quality protein from your diet.

If you exercise a lot, your protein needs are even higher. In addition, the body needs additional protein to repair damage, such as after surgery or injury. To get the protein you need daily for beautiful hair, eat about two servings of protein-rich foods each day, or even more if your lifestyle calls for it.

Chronic fatigue and lack of energy are symptoms of iron deficiency, but skin, hair, and nails are also affected . For example, the skin may become itchy or excessively pale, and even cracks may appear at the corners of the mouth. Nails break easily, develop ridges or streaks, and in severe cases, they become spoon-shaped. In addition, you may lose hair or it becomes dull and brittle.

Meat is the best dietary source of iron, especially red meat. If you're on a plant-based diet, you can get iron from whole grains and legumes, although they're not as easily absorbed. Vitamin C can improve iron absorption, so consider eating orange juice or other foods rich in vitamin C with meals.

Getting iron and other organic vitamins and nutrients from high quality daily supplements is also a good option for filling any nutritional gaps in your diet.
B vitamins

Swapping white bread and breakfast cereals for whole grain bread, millet, and oatmeal increases your intake of several key nutrients. Whole grains are rich in vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant), vitamin B, and essential fats.
Millet extract for hair

Millet or millet (the grains of this cereal) is familiar to everyone. But did you know that this modest-looking plant has healing properties for hair? Since ancient times, it has been not only an important food product, but also a source of health and beauty.

  • Millet grains contain a unique complex of substances that are necessary for human tissues and organs: essential amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, which actively affect both hair follicles and hair along the entire length.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids, primarily linoleic, are essential for cell division. It is a powerful antioxidant that affects the life cycle of the hair and protects it from aging.
  • Silicon - serves as an important material for all solid tissues of the body - including hair and nails, builds and regenerates their structure.
  • Phosphorus is the basis of proteins synthesized by the body, including keratin, which makes up hair. It is needed to make the hair stronger and stronger, look thick.
  • Potassium - regulates the capillary vessels of the scalp, strengthens their walls.
  • Iron - included in the blood hemoglobin formula - is responsible for the transport of oxygen through the capillaries that feed the hair roots.
  • Zinc is a multifunctional "beauty vitamin" for hair and skin.
  • Copper, potassium, magnesium, manganese, fluorine - necessary for metabolic processes in the body, tissue respiration of the follicle, cell division in the hair shaft.
  • Vitamins A and E are the "conductors" of the body's glands. Including, regulate the production of sebum (sebum). Responsible for maintaining moisture in the hair, giving it elasticity, shine and healthy appearance .
  • B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B3 (nicotinamide), B5 (panthenol), B9 (folic acid) - affect the fact that the follicles wake up on time, enter the phase of active growth (anagen) and are in no hurry to interrupt it, these vitamins promote hair growth and reduce hair loss.
  • Millet helps to improve the nutrition of the follicles and protect them from harmful effects, stimulate hair growth, strengthen the growing hair shaft, reduce excess oiliness and dryness of the scalp.
Omega 3 fatty acids

Not all fat is bad. We are not talking about fried foods and baked goods here. These are omega-3 essential fatty acids that come from oily fish, nuts, seeds, and other healthy food sources . These fats are called essential fats because the body cannot produce them on its own, you must consume them through your diet, the body needs them to function properly.

If your face, body, scalp, nails, and hair are excessively dry, you probably aren't getting enough healthy fats in your diet. Omega-3s are key to the production of certain hormones needed to regulate the immune system and inflammation throughout the body. They are important for skin health because they fight inflammation, which is often found in skin conditions such as acne, eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Be sure to include oily fish such as salmon and tuna a couple of times a week, snack on nuts and seeds, or take flaxseed, algae oil, or a fish oil supplement to increase your intake of essential fats.
Hydration and flavonoids

Antioxidants and flavonoids can protect your skin from sun damage, while hydration is essential for the overall appearance and health of skin, nails, and hair. Good hydration and flavonoid intake also improve nutrient delivery throughout the body by increasing blood flow.

Of course, drinking plenty of water is essential to stay hydrated, but where do flavonoids come from? They are found in many fruits and vegetables, as well as green, black and white teas. Or, if you've had a rough day, you can get your daily flavonoid intake from a glass of red wine or a piece of dark chocolate.

UP-BRO - proper nutrition for thick hair

Of course, a healthy lifestyle is important for health and beauty. But to achieve the best results, you need to take care of your body from the inside.

UP-BRO is a supplementary product to prevent hair loss。

It refers to biologically active food supplements (not a medicine). A precisely calibrated composition, developed by Austria scientists specifically for hair in optimal concentrations, has a triple effect from the inside:
  • Increases hair density
  • Strengthens hair
  • Improves hair quality (shine, smoothness, color)

Following the principles of proper nutrition and daily intake of high-quality dietary supplements can not only improve your appearance, but also positively affect your general condition and energy levels in everyday life.


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