
Showing posts from June, 2022

Steps towards health. Water-salt exchange

The kidneys, adrenal hormones and the central nervous system play a leading role in maintaining and regulating the water-salt balance. The kidneys regulate the excretion or retention of water and electrolytes. This process depends on the concentration of salts in the body, which is maintained at the required level. Basically, this regulation is associated with sodium ions. kidneys The kidneys are part of the urinary system, which also includes the ureters, bladder, and urethra.The urine filtered by the kidneys descends through the ureters into the bladder, where it can stay for some time, and then, as a certain volume is reached, it is expelled out through the urethra. This is the main way out of the "waste fluid" from the body. Normally, urine does not contain the elements necessary for the body: proteins, amino acids, glucose.The kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal space on both sides of the spine, approximately around the 12th thoracic and 2nd lumbar vertebrae. As a...

5 simple tips from a urologist to keep your kidneys healthy

The kidneys are a vital organ. They remove excess fluid and toxins from the body, regulate the acid-base balance and blood composition, affect blood pressure and bone strength (by regulating the amount of calcium in the blood and vitamin D). Kidney diseases are dangerous not only because of significant discomfort (imagine how constant frequent urination or acute pain in renal colic complicates life), but also by increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and hypertension. Andrey Danich, a urologist at Kutuzovsky LDC, spoke about how to maintain kidney health. Only 6 tips, simple and cost-free - make them your habits to keep your kidneys healthy! No. 1 - Nutrition Kidney-healthy food - low in protein, sugar, salt, spices and with even meals throughout the day (without overeating and long fasting). Reduce the amount of salt in the diet to 5 g per day, meat, sausages, semi-finished products, canned meat and fish. When planning to go on a diet for weight loss, avoid protein diets, such a...

What is vegetable fiber useful for, and where can I find it?

  You probably already know that foods containing fiber (dietary fiber) are good for health. According to WHO recommendations, the daily intake of fiber for adults is 25-30 g - about the amount of fiber found in 400 g of vegetables and fruits. But according to statistics, the majority of the population gets only half of the WHO recommended amount of fiber per day. The reason for this is the Western style of eating with a predominance of refined foods. From our article, you can learn more about the beneficial properties of fiber and simple ways to use it every day. Fiber (dietary fiber) are substances of various chemical nature of plant origin that cannot be broken down and digested by the enzymes of our body and are used to feed the bacteria living in the intestines. Therefore, dietary fibers are classified as prebiotics - substances that help maintain normal intestinal microflora and its biological activity. Where is fiber found? There are two types of fiber - soluble and insolubl...

How does your diet affect the condition of your hair?

People associate shiny hair and glowing skin with genes or special body care, but underestimate the importance of nutrition. A healthy diet contains nutrients that directly affect how you look and feel.   Squirrels Hair, skin and nails are made up of proteins such as elastin, collagen and keratin. They provide strength, elasticity to hair, nails and skin, as well as prevent wrinkles [1]. If your diet includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and legumes, you are getting plenty of high-quality protein from your diet. If you exercise a lot, your protein needs are even higher. In addition, the body needs additional protein to repair damage, such as after surgery or injury. To get the protein you need daily for beautiful hair, eat about two servings of protein-rich foods each day, or even more if your lifestyle calls for it.   Iron Chronic fatigue and lack of energy are symptoms of iron deficiency, but skin, hair, and nails are also affected . For example, the skin may becom...

The best vitamins for hair growth

In order for the hair to be strong, healthy and thick, cosmetics, unfortunately, are not always enough. Hair needs both vitamins and minerals. When they are not enough, vitamin complexes and intensive hair care products will help restore the beauty of the hair. How to choose vitamins for hair Fortunately, pharmacies offer a wide range of vitamin complexes, so choosing the most effective vitamins will not be a problem. Of course, if the vitamins are selected by a trichologist, the effect of them will be maximum. Otherwise, you will have to select by trial and error. First of all, you need to buy vitamins only in a pharmacy, like any drug. Only this will give a guarantee of the quality of the purchase. Poor-quality vitamins and intensive hair care products will not only not help solve the problem, but can also worsen your health. If the purpose of vitamins is to restore shine and a healthy look, ordinary vitamin complexes will do. If the condition of the hair is far from desired, the ha...

How to competently and correctly advise an embarrassed buyer

The stable demand for "male" dietary supplements ensures not only the wide spread of the corresponding disorders, but also the reluctance to see a doctor, as well as the commitment to self-treatment with natural remedies. The task of the UP-BRO in this case is to professionally and delicately acquaint the buyer with the available types of bioadditives so that he can make an informed choice. Dietary supplements to increase potency are in constant demand. This is not surprising - according to a number of studies, up to 30% of global couples face various sexual problems . Potential buyers of "male" drugs - a special category of customers. The problem of erectile dysfunction (ED) in Russia is somewhat taboo. Many men mistakenly believe that almost everyone has difficulties in their sexual life over the years, and perceive them as normal age-related changes, and not as a disease. In addition, not everyone is able to overcome psychological discomfort and “take out” an int...


Diseases lead to a deterioration in the functionality of the kidneys and urinary tract, which is symptomatically manifested by a decrease in appetite, thirst, swelling of the legs, and hypertension. In the body, metabolic products accumulate, metabolism is disturbed. It is possible to normalize it with the help of a diet, so it is an important part of the main therapy.   BASIC PRINCIPLES A strict diet or table number 7 is prescribed for patients with chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome or glomerulonephritis. For other pathologies, excessive nutritional restriction is not required. It is enough just to reduce the use of salt, spices, hot spices and be sure to exclude alcohol. The main principles of proper nutrition in diseases of this area are to limit the consumption of protein, salt, and reduce the calorie content of dishes. It is also necessary to arrange fasting days.   PROTEIN LIMITATION Protein metabolism in the body ends with the formation of nitrogenous waste prod...
The stable demand for "male" dietary supplements ensures not only the wide spread of the corresponding disorders, but also the reluctance to see a doctor, as well as the commitment to self-treatment with natural remedies. The task of the UP-BRO in this case is to professionally and delicately acquaint the buyer with the available types of bioadditives so that he can make an informed choice. Dietary supplements to increase potency are in constant demand. This is not surprising - according to a number of studies, up to 30% of global couples face various sexual problems . Potential buyers of "male" drugs - a special category of customers. The problem of erectile dysfunction (ED) in many countries is somewhat taboo. Many men mistakenly believe that almost everyone has difficulties in their sexual life over the years, and perceive them as normal age-related changes, and not as a disease. In addition, not everyone is able to overcome psychological discomfort and “take out...

Vitamins for the prostate

With the development of any pathology in the body, mechanisms are launched aimed at eliminating this problem.Various resources of the body are used, which are spent on fighting the disease. This leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.Especially with a long and aggressive course of the pathology and in connection with the intake of drugs that have a suppressive effect on the immune system.When replenishing the wasted substances, the protective function of the body is restored. What vitamins are needed for the normal functioning of the prostate Inflammation of the prostate gland has a damaging effect on the tissues of the prostate, provokes a violation of microcirculation and metabolism in the organ, and contributes to a decrease in immune defense. As a therapeutic agent, antibiotics are used, which, by inhibiting the beneficial intestinal microflora, provoke the development of hypovitaminosis. This is explained by the synthesis in the intestines of many vitamins. Beneficia...

Preparations to improve spermogram

As a rule, there are special drugs that improve the quality of spermogram. However, many pills can cause side effects, making them undesirable for some males. Therefore, preparations for the quality of spermogram are, first of all, any kind of vitamins. There are situations when it is necessary to determine the fertility of a man, whether it is a question of infertility, preparation for IVF, or simply diagnosing possible diseases. Such a study is called a spe rmogram. However, for the most accurate result, the test subjects are advised to first improve the quality of sperm, with the help of proper nutrition or pills. Sperm-improving drugs In order to properly prepare for the delivery of seminal fluid, you need to know what factors affect the quality of sperm. First of all, it is, of course, diet, daily routine and sleep. In other words, the main factor determining the quality of sperm is a person's lifestyle. How to improve spermogram? So, before a spermogram, doctors strongly reco...